Commander Shake

Lenny looked out the window of his Level 73 unit and stared at the thousands of people gathered below. The funeral of Commander Shake was being broadcast live across the globe, and many in Pewter City chose to watch on the giant, 3D image replicator in the city’s center.

Commander Shake – the moniker this alien superhero had been given many years earlier – was dead. Whether it was due to a battle with the Lepidosaurians, a reptilian race of extraterrestrial assassins, or absorption of radiation from the many nuclear missiles he had exploded in space to prevent catastrophe, no one knew.

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His lifeless body had been delivered to the amphitheater at Pewter City by his AI hovercraft, with instructions on how the funeral would be performed provided by a bright orange, cueball-sized orb that followed the Commander like a dragonfly.

Lenny remembered when he encountered the alien 20 years earlier. A strong line of tornadoes was headed for the heart of Pewter City, and Commander Shake was able to divert them into the clouds – causing them to disappear into harmless puffs of air.

As the danger passed and he floated down toward the spectators on the ground, Commander Shake liked to greet people and shake their hands – hence his name. A humanoid creature who never explained who he was or where he came from, he wore a suit that looked to be composed of azure-colored steel. His eyes glowed yellow and his lips – thin and black – would appear only when he spoke.

And as Lenny – a “street stray” as unhoused kids like him were called – stood in awe, the planet’s prime protector walked toward him, kneeled down, and extended his right hand.

Lenny shook it, and saw sparks of electricity crackling up Commander Shake’s arm.

Lenny recalls feeling a slight shock when he clasped hands with his hero, but was too mesmerized to pay it much mind. What stood out more than anything, though, was what the Commander said to him:

“You’ll make me proud someday.”

It was a bittersweet memory on a very sad day, and the days would surely become sadder.

And soon.

Without a guardian, what would become of Earth?

There was already chatter that the Lepidosaurians were preparing for another invasion, and this time there would be no Commander Shake to stop them. Plus, new threats were popping up everywhere, waiting patiently to attack an undefended planet.

As for Lenny, well, the thrill he felt when Commander Shake spoke him long ago had faded into shame and embarrassment.

There was so much chaos in his brain he could never stick with any job – or relationship – and his favorite form of self-medication came from a distillery.

That’s why he was in Level 73 housing, which was basically sleeping quarters that came with two boxed meals per day. He was called upon by officials from the Conglomerate of Nations only when odd jobs were required, and he feared that no jobs would be required after the Lepidosaurians were done.

Dignitaries gathered to speak words of praise about the Commander. When they completed their eulogies, his coffin was placed in the hovercraft, which now acted as a rocket.

Silently, the craft shot toward the heavens, and just as it began to fade from sight it exploded in a spray of light and color.

While the pyrotechnics were pleasing to the eye, most of those watching the event couldn’t help but think this was the end – not just the end of Commander Shake, but the end of the world.

Lenny – whose neck was starting to ache – had stared at the craft from the time it launched to the time it disintegrated, and there was nothing left to see.

Except …

As looked out over the horizon, he could see projectiles coming toward Pewter City. They weren’t the Lepidosaurians – that much he could tell – but he feared they were a vanguard of some other malevolent force coming in hot to take advantage of Commander Shake’s demise.

As he squinted to make them out, the buzzer to his unit sounded, prompting him to go to the door.

Surely he wasn’t being called into work with an attack imminent.

As he waved his hand to open the portal, he was greeted by an orange orb fluttering at eye level.

On the floor was a small box.

“Greetings, Lenny,” said a voice coming from the sphere. “Please place your right hand on the box.”

Lenny didn’t know if this was the same orb that always accompanied Commander Shake, but it looked identical. And while he had no idea what was in the box, he didn’t hesitate to follow instructions.

The moment he made contact, sparks of electricity crackled up his arm and the box opened. In it was an azure suit.

“The planet is in danger, Lenny. Commander Shake shook your hand for a reason, just as he shook the hands of all those who are now converging on Pewter City for a reason.”

Lenny turned to spy an army of “commanders” outside of Level 73.

He smiled.

“So,” he asked the orb. “What do I do now?”

“You suit up. Commander Shake said you’d make him proud someday. This is that day.”